Sorry Plight of Almighty
My Lord! There was a time when you were a Almighty
Of you helping others there was a possibility
But now I cry over 'your' sorry plight
Where you have lost all your might
Say, my reverend almighty God
Do you need me to help you???
In your pie should I prod?
Answer me ‘O’ Lord, give me a clue
I can be a commander, I can be a leader
But can I equal you ‘O’ Creator???
You, who with a glance, can pound mountains to sands
Do you need my petty help to win you lands??
You great Almighty who created everything
Do you need me to save your sacred buildings??
Of everyone’s hatred your name is now the issue
‘O’ my Lord what have they done to you….
People are running with swords to keep your name clean
With blasphemous blood they are washing the scene
Not realizing that if God is genuine
Than to all blasphemous words he is immune
I know not where do I belong...
Whether I am right or am I wrong
As a mute creation my Lord, created by you
I am lost in thoughts ‘what I should do??????’
By Farida Rizwan
This is very thought provoking. You have certainly offered a lot of questions that are puzzling many of us. It is so troubling seeing all the confusion in the world right now. I know God has an ultimate plan. It is just too hard for us to see it now.
ReplyDeleteIt's very sad indeed and very aptly put into words. Coincidentally my post from late Sunday examines the Almighty too, yes God does not need our help, it's man who needs his intervention.
ReplyDeleteLet's pray for Peace.
Peace to all.
Oh Farila, I love this post. That is food for thought.
ReplyDeleteThere are things that happen in this world , yet I can't understand them, I mean the decisions the governments take about people worldwide.Does God have an ultimate plan?. Or?...
Betty xx
I believe that God was, is and always will be in control. We might not understand everything, but HE knows what he is doing.
ReplyDeleteThings happen for a purpose...our agony is understandable...there is no justice in this world, and that's what we need to get used to
ReplyDeleteI loved this poem Farila, for reasons that you know.
ReplyDeleteI feel that my Faith is leaving me, and turning my back on these thoughtless acts.
If God exists, then why are there so many stupid battles going on, battles that cannot be won without causing hurt and heartache on so many different levels.
I think you know what I mean, and the way that I feel.
Big hugs to you and your family.
this is really good....i mean really good......
ReplyDeletehelping hand to God...when you feel God is kind of helpless cause the innocents are suffering around the world......thinking God isn't able to do his job properly....
i find it pretty amazing a new way of looking towards all the things happened......don't need to wait for God to help......Help yourself, help others.....
loved the metaphor......
ReplyDeleteYou, who with a glance, can pound mountains to sands
Do you need my petty help to win you lands??
You great Almighty who created everything
Do you need me to save your sacred buildings??
This is a message for all of us today.
ReplyDeleteYou, who with a glance, can pound mountains to sands
Do you need my petty help to win you lands??
You great Almighty who created everything
Do you need me to save your sacred buildings??
This is a message for all of us today.
This is so thought provoking....you have combined philosophy and our quest for finding god so beautifully...
ReplyDeletea poem full of wisdom.The truth is that it is the self proclaimed guardians who need God for their selfish political ambitions and not vice versa
ReplyDeleteExcellently put!!! Just the other day I was asking a question, "How come people who believe their own God is the One and Only not realize that if He is in fact the One and Only God, then it is He himself who is responsible for the creation and existence of those others who do not belong to the religion these fanatics uphold?!! Do they think they know better than their God?? And if their God needs them to help Him, the poor chap is then not so powerful after all!!"
ReplyDeleteYour verse is though provoking and well expressed.
very nicely said...
ReplyDeleteyou are very right..
Congratulations for well deservedly being on Blogadda's tuesday picks.
ReplyDeleteHow provoking. An honest and introspective poem. I have a Jingle Jangle award for you on my blog.
ReplyDelete*I bow down*
ReplyDeleteThe 4rd and 5th paras are a kind of message which everyone should understand.
Loved the penning..
Was out from a long time..
Missed ur writing...:)
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