The thought has bothered me throughout my life, since I have been there and done that too. I had the competitive spirit which told me that I had to be ahead of everyone, prove that I am better than others and win competitions. The trait diminished with lessons I got from 'Life Experiences' but it still lingers somewhere deep within.
Friday, October 2, 2015
Sunday, August 30, 2015
Presence Of Apps Replacing Presence Of Mind
This is one of those delicious food stories that I relish and enjoy as much as I enjoy good food. It took place in those dark ages when people did not have internet or apps to
make through the day. They solely had to depend on their skills, intelligence
and wit to get out of trouble. Wonder, how people survived back then? But they
did and this is one of those stories where internet and apps did not come to
the rescue of Susan.
Friday, August 28, 2015
My Indiblogger Badges
Recently Indiblogger sent me an email informing that they had a page dedicated where Indibloggers could access all their badges they had ever received from Indiblogger. I was happy and overwhelmed to see all the badges I had received from Indiblogger.
Winning blogging contest was my first step towards the progress I am making now. I will forever be indebted to Indiblogger for making a huge difference to my life.
Thank you Indiblogger

Winning blogging contest was my first step towards the progress I am making now. I will forever be indebted to Indiblogger for making a huge difference to my life.
Thank you Indiblogger

Monday, August 24, 2015
# ASUS Divas Meet - Bangalore
It just looks like yesterday when I loving held the Asus Zenfone 5 in my hands. I was bowled over by its features and looks – especially for the mobile in the price range it was offered. It was a sleek device in charcoal black with amazing features priced below 8000 INR. . Keeping technical aspects aside, the phone had numerous practical uses for me. Being extremely happy with Zenfone 5, I feel Zenfone 2 is something worth looking ahead for and I did. When Zenfone 2 was launched, I did wait long before going for it. I have been using and loving it for past few months.
Thursday, August 20, 2015
Tuesday, August 18, 2015
Saturday, August 1, 2015
When The Sequel Is Better....
Twenty years ago my doctor had announced, "You have breast cancer, stage III". He was very hesitant to talk to me, but I insisted to have the discussion with him personally. I was shocked to hear this, but I had to recover from the shock. Once I found my voice again, the first question I asked him was, " What should I do to survive this?". My doctor managed a tough smile and said, "I think you already did by shifting your focus from cancer to life. I am very happy with your question which shows your spirit of survival rather than the usual questions like - am I going to die? or why did this happen to me? etc"
I divide my life into B.C. and A.D. that is Before Cancer and After Diagnosis. Before cancer I lived a aimless life with no focus or goals. I was struggling to please everyone and not being successful. I realized the value of my life only when I was about to lose it. That is when I started living a more focused and goal oriented life.
I set targets to be achieved, the most important being bringing up my children lovingly. My son was a scared and insecure 4 year old and my special needs daughter just 11 months breast feeding baby. There was no way I was going to die leaving them behind. I geared up for the fight and focused on my goals and target. I often forget the tough challenges I have faced, the suffering I have been through, the hurdles I have overcome or being a cancer survivor.
Today, I stand at the stage in my life where I have almost achieved most of the targets and goals I set for myself. My two children have turned into beautiful and kind people who I can be very proud of. My special needs daughter is now a earning member of our family today.
Personally - from a PUC dropout, I now have a Masters degree in counseling and psychotherapy, I have a blog which has received more than two million views, from running around Bangalore selling soft toys, today I write articles from the comfort of my home or conduct life skill training to be financial independent, I have made my mark with games I play both online and offline, I traveled to USA to meet sisters in survival, I got my driving license, found my dream job, learned to swim and and I have laughed my way through past two decades. That looks quite a productive life now!
I have gained strength to stand up not only for myself, but also for others in the last two decades. I have realized the true potential I have and learned to respect and love myself. I can say the second innings of my life is more fruitful and rewarding than the first one.
I know cancer can be tough on even the bravest. I know because even though I have survived cancer, I have lost my sister and mom to breast cancer. Some of you may still be fighting your battle against cancer. For those of you who are still on the battlefield, my message is - Stay negative (this is true only for us for whom testing positive for cancer can be a nightmare), Think positive and focus on life rather than cancer. Life is definitely worth living and fighting for!
Watch for more survivor stories on YouTube with #hcgselfv. Get Inspired! Get Motivated to get more out of your life.
Wednesday, July 22, 2015
SelfV - Survivor Stories
Update: The SelfV Second Edition is going on. Log onto to for more information and inspiration. Share your story or those of your dear ones to encourage people to fight cancer better.
Walking down the memory lane, here is what happened @ last year SelfV contest.
For once, it was not just the battle with cancer that the survivors won; in addition they won Harley Davidson Super Bike, a Samsung Led Smart TV, merchandise from designer label Armani and many more. 10 winners were chosen by a special jury and I am glad to say I am one of them.
Tuesday, July 21, 2015
What Do We Want From Our Children? II
So after seeing the contribution of my daughter to my life in my post What Do We Want From Our Children?,
let us now see what my son has contributed to my life. Let me introduce you
people to Rayyan once again after bragging about him on his birthday.
Monday, July 20, 2015
What Do We Want From Our Children?
What Parents Expect From Children?
Thank You Blogadda |
If you were to ask the question ‘What do you want from your
children?’ to a parent, they would find it very tough to answer. Gone are those
days when you heard parents expecting the son or daughter to be a doctor, engineer,
and many other such professionals; these are the days when parents want their
children to be all rounder. They have a list of things which they want their
children to excel in. The stupid ‘me’ lived in the notion it was wrong for us
to pressurize our children to take certain professional of parental choice. The
parent species has left me behind and evolved far ahead of that phase.
Sunday, July 19, 2015
From Being Bullied To Being A Bully
I missed out writing on 1000 voices speak for compassion
last month, i.e. on February 20th. Building from Bullying is a topic I could not miss to write about.
This time around I made it a point to share my own experience with bullying,
because what I am today may have started with bullying in my childhood.
Wednesday, July 1, 2015
Paid in Full (With High Interest)
Back in my naughty childhood days, when I would be a nasty
child driving my Mom crazy, disobeying her or acting weird, my family would
tell me, “You have to respect and obey your Mom, the heaven lies under her
feet. Even if you carry her on your shoulders for a decade, you cannot repay
her for carrying you in her womb for a day…………………………. Blah!” The end point of
all the blahing was that a child can never repay a mother. I know I couldn’t,
but I think my daughter has paid me back for being her Mom in full and with
high interest added to the premium.
Tuesday, June 30, 2015
Once Upon A Time…..
Once upon a time, I enjoyed Diwali to the fullest – bursting
firecrackers, eating sweets, having a blast with my sister and visiting
friends. Times have changed, so have I. People have moved away from each other
and there are not many invitations passing around for Diwali celebrations for
me to pick up from. Even if I did have a chance to celebrate Diwali with
friends, I would be conscious of eating sweets due to my weight gain and I
would not be able to enjoy the firecrackers thinking of pollution and the child
labors who manufacture them under harsh conditions.
Thursday, June 4, 2015
As you sow, so shall you reap!
A funny incident took place at home recently which was a
great eye opener for me. We had issues with fees payment of Rayyan with a bit
of confusion thrown in for spice. Finally, the issue was sorted out and a slip
given which finalized what we had to pay.
Friday, May 15, 2015
The Country of Million Goddesses...
I was born in a country where people worship millions of
different goddesses. They are not just consorts of other supreme Gods, but have
immense power of their own that has shaken the whole world so often. Ours is one of those
rare nations which believe that a Goddess (and not God) named Shakti was responsible for
creation of the universe. She was there even before anything else existed. She
is worshiped as the feminine creator, the supreme Divine God Mother who is subordinate
to none.
Ours is the land where the power of knowledge, wealth and strength is in the hands of goddesses rather than Gods, yet the women of our country
suffer from lack of education, financial independence and empowerment. Our hypocritical society worships goddesses on
one hand, while on the other they suppress their women subjecting them to
humiliation, insults and violence. Though
we believe that Goddess Shakti exists as a svātantrya, which means she is dependent
on no one, being interdependent with the entire universe; our society has pushed women be dependent on
fathers, husbands and sons which means they are never independent ever in their
I am a woman and being a woman has never made me feel weak or
helpless anytime in my life. I always knew the pros and cons of being a woman,
but then I had strength inside me which made me defend myself against odds. The
first promise I made was long time ago, to myself, that I will respect and love
myself - no matter who is with me or who is not, I will never let myself down. The
promise I made to myself has stood strong for 38 years. I have been right, I have
been wrong, I fallen and risen again, but somehow I have been accepting myself
with all the flaws I have. Without respecting and loving the woman I am with 24/7
what will I be able to do to someone else?
I have always felt strongly about the violence against children
and women all through my life. Off course I don’t have any intention of causing
harm to men or other sect of population, but my feelings towards women and
children are just stronger. The reason could be the physical vulnerability of
women and children, besides most of them being dependent on others, which makes
them easy victims of violence.
Mother nature has never given any hint to the women that
they are the subordinate to men and therefore should suffer their dominance in
silence. I am not a great biologist, but with whatever literature I have come across,
there is no other species in which the male dominates and physically hurts a
female. But somehow this has become common in the human race. Most of the women
silently suffer domestic violence as they have been conditioned to believe that
is the part and parcel of married life or precisely the woman's life.
Most of the girls are trained to obey their dads and
brothers and be silent when the men enter home. The women of the house are the
first perpetrators of domestic violence against women as they take away the
self respect, confidence and empowerment of their daughters in the name of
disciplining them.
Child marriage is another major contributor to domestic violence. The girls who get married at a young age are deprived of their education and proper development. They often end up being dependent of men for their everyday basic necessities which again make them believe that the men are the providers and their masters. My friend and blogger Anita says that women who do not leave their abusive husband should not be considered cowardly as she believes many stay because they are either brainwashed to thinking that being beaten is a form of love, or because they feel that if they leave or seek help, they will end up poor and homeless. The girls who are married at a young age are caught in the vicious circle with no way out. Where would these girls go from the abusive husband with 2-3 small children when they themselves are just entering the womanhood?
Child marriage is another major contributor to domestic violence. The girls who get married at a young age are deprived of their education and proper development. They often end up being dependent of men for their everyday basic necessities which again make them believe that the men are the providers and their masters. My friend and blogger Anita says that women who do not leave their abusive husband should not be considered cowardly as she believes many stay because they are either brainwashed to thinking that being beaten is a form of love, or because they feel that if they leave or seek help, they will end up poor and homeless. The girls who are married at a young age are caught in the vicious circle with no way out. Where would these girls go from the abusive husband with 2-3 small children when they themselves are just entering the womanhood?
Most of the people do not tend to take domestic violence seriously.
Even when they hear sounds of a man abusing his wife and her cries for help,
they usually say this is their personal problem and tend to rubbish it all off.
It is not uncommon in India to insult the abused woman for creating noise and
spoiling peace of the neighborhood in the night. Believe me; this would be done by
another woman in most cases. Most of
the people who ignore domestic violence assume that everything will be OK by the time the couple have dinner and
sleep. Is this true? Should we really turn a blind eye to domestic violence and
maintain silence even when statistics show that nearly 40-70% of women are
murdered by their husbands or boyfriends? This is only based on the cases that
were reported. Most of the women who are victims of domestic violence suffer in
silence due to various reasons. More than the physical violence it is the
emotional and psychological torture a woman is subjected to in some
relationships that is often overlooked by family and friends unless something
drastic happens.
Law can be implemented only when the case of domestic violence
is reported. Women who are scared of being thrown out on streets without anyone
to care or support them will never gain courage to lodge a complaint against
their husbands. Many of them would even consider going against their husbands
(even the cruel and abusive ones) a great sin which will take them to hell
to burn there forever. For a educated and liberated woman, it would be quite
difficult to think in the levels of those helpless women and for those victimized
women it is impossible to imagine that they are respectful individuals who need
not be subservient to anyone.
The change has to come in the thought process of the society
and women themselves. They need to change their attitude towards self and
start respecting and believing in their abilities. Even the women who stay at
home and take care of their families are contributing equally as the men in
their lives. Let them realize the worth of their work. Women empowerment groups
should concentrate more on changing the mind set ingrained in our society
rather than asking for stronger laws. Those who are responsible for law and
order themselves do not take the complaints of domestic violence seriously as
they again belong to the same society.
Time has come for the women who have realized their own
potential to help the others do the same. There is no need to look down upon
those helpless victims of domestic and ask questions like, “Why don’t you walk
out?” “Why don’t you hit him back?” “Why don’t you lodge a complaint with the
police?” “Do you really have a marriage there?”
Not everyone in our society is able to answer those questions. Let us
not consider the victims of domestic violence as weak and not so courageous
women. There is much more that has led to their present condition… there is lot
influence and pressure exerted from upbringing, attitudes and circumstances that has sewn their lips. Support the
women and let them come out of the vicious circle. When the daughter who has
watched her mother being beaten by her father, she slowly accepts this as the part
of life. She may not feel it is wrong for her husband to hit or abuse her thus
creating a vicious circle for the generations of women to come from which there
will be no escape.
My pledge is to create awareness among women about their own
potential and power. They are the creators of man. They hold them in their wombs
when and feed them with their breast milk when they are helpless and weak. There
are the mothers and nurturers of society. Instilling confidence and self
respect is what I intend to do for women around me….
My previous posts of regarding rights of women...
My previous posts of regarding rights of women...
Bangalore for Women with Special Needs
This post is a part of Indichange joining hands with Bell Bajao where blogging turns into action ..
Tuesday, March 31, 2015
Crossing Boundaries To Enter Digital Zone
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#DigitalIndia |
It was a welcome news to me to learn that one of the worlds
largest and highest valued semiconductor chip makers, Intel, supports the
Digital India Vision. It is heartening to know that Google, Nokia, Mark
Zuckerberg and Microsoft are just few of the big companies supporting the
vision of Digital Vision vigorously promoted by our PM.
I personally know the value and need of Digital world which
gives wings to your dreams. I am quite sure through its ‘Digital Skills for
India’ and ‘Innovate for India’ initiatives, Intel along with the supportive
government will succeed in nurturing and promoting technology as the enabler
for creating a digitized India.
Long before Modi Government decided to take the initiative
of Digital India, I had chosen to take a digital initiative to change my own
life. I have to confess that I messed up with few decisions, ‘very important
decisions’ of my life. Few years ago, I found myself in a very sticky situation
that did not make me feel happy about myself. That is when digital media came
to my rescue like a knight in shining armor.
There came a time in my life when I was overwhelmed with a
feeling that I have not done anything much in my life. I had given up on my
studies without pursuing graduation, did not have a stable job or financial
independence to start anything anew. Moreover, I had to take care of a special needs
child, which restricted my activities outdoors. It was very difficult to step
the first step towards progress from where I stood at that stage.
When at loss as to how to go about making a difference to my
life, I discovered computers and internet. From a tiny village called Byndoor, I
started my journey which literally took me around the globe to USA. Things did
not work out just at a click of a button, when I logged on to internet. It all
happened one step at a time, but miles were covered in no time.
The first step for me was make sure I existed with my own
identity. When women get married and move away from their home, somewhere down
the lane that identity of who you are can be lost. For me it was more of self-assurance
than proving my existence to someone else. That is when I decided to blog about
my cancer experience, my life experiences and writing skills in a personal blog
I created on Blogger. My whole life underwent a huge change with blogging.
My first major encouragement and sense of accomplishment
came by when I won a cash prize of 50,000 INR in a blogging contest. That was
my first achievement in quite some years. That gave me enough momentum to pick
up the strands and weave a beautiful dream for future. In later months there came
along many more blogging contests prizes including the first prize of Dell
Inspiron from Intel for their "My Favorite PC App" contest.
Today, with the help of digital media I have a steady flow
of income which has given me complete financial independence as a freelance
content writer for websites. I could complete my post-graduation, since
studying was easy with information available on internet. YouTube, interactive
media and other study aids are way ahead of the lectures I had to sit through
in my college days.
My son and daughter have both equally benefited from the
digital media. My son Rayyan pursues his animation career in Digital Juice
Animations as an animator, a career he desired and loved. It is amazing what
you can create with computers for entertainment with some effort. My special needs
daughter takes her iPad as a window through which she looks at the world. She
surfs on net, goes online window shopping (which turns into shopping at times)
and keeps in touch with friends through internet. With introduction to digital
world, she found a way to keep herself entertained. Working online, I look
forward to high speed internet availability in India. It will make a huge
difference to the output of my work. Secretly, I also yearn for the
entertainment options it would open for us, because we depend on internet for
TV programs viewing. With the help of internet and digital media, you can reach for the skies if you have enough drive.
That is just a few things about how digital world made a
change in our lives. If this can happen to a family, imagine the impact digital
vision would have on a country like India, which has un-trapped potentials
hidden underground everywhere.
Today India is divided into two halves of digital know-all’s
and digital illiterates. When the bridge between these two sections is created,
the country can see tremendous progress in short period. The main aim of Digital
India is to reach out to the poor and underprivileged, who at present do not
have right access to digital world.
When e-governance, e-commerce and e-health initiative will
reach the rural India, we will see an emergence of modernity in our country. Tackling
corruption is also going to be a lot easier with rise of Digital India. The
transformation will require more than the estimated just the Rs 1,13,000 crores
as projected by the government of India. It will require the cooperation of
Indian citizens, both the digital literates and illiterates to bring about the
It is going to be possible only when all Indians work as single Pentium
chip set to make our society a digital empowered in par with any developed
nation of the world. The state governments which are constantly at loggerheads
with the center, for once will have to move in tandem if the change is to take
I am glad today that instead of arguing whether we should
call it Digital India Vision or Digital Bharat Vision or Digital Hindustan
Vision, the government is moving forward with the plan. That itself is a great
progress for our country. Someday, Department of Electronics and Information
Technology (DeitY) will join the huge group of deities in India, bringing in
another holiday on our calendar. That will be one holiday I will celebrate and
look forward to. Like Douglas Engelbart said, “The digital revolution is far
more significant than the invention of writing or even of printing”. Let the revolution begin in India!
Thank you animator Rayyan for creating amazing images for my blog
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Our Digital Planet |
Wednesday, March 25, 2015
The Joy Of Lollipop – New Moto E Smart Phone, Smart Choice
There's no denying that candy is comfort food and it's
Dylan Lauren
Fortunately for me, today Lollipop is an innovative comfort
which is affordable within my budget. Nearing my 50s I do enjoy Lollipop,
including breaking the ones in Candy Crush game. But here I am talking about
Android Lollipop which comes with innovative advantage that will allow me to
play Asphalt Airborne 8 without wearing down my phone battery. Though named
lollipop, the technology comes with a major difference from its sibling KitKat (another
candy). Google is a well-established platform with its own credibility, and
here we see with Lollipop it moves several steps ahead. You will be amazed to
see the difference of Google on mobile platform. It comes with a refined look supported by great back-end tools and protocols that makes your mobile experience quite
sweet. The experience is just like sucking on your favorite lollipop candy. Comforting,
soothing and joyous. You don’t have to wait for updates anymore either.
Android Lollipop is a great customize-able platform which is
damn easy to understand and use, especially if you are an android user like me.
I can easily transfer all my games and apps without any hassle to my new Moto-E from my old android phone. I can further customize Moto-E to fit my lifestyle needs
from simply altering the size of my phone icons and keyboard to the complicated games
and practically functional apps on my home screen.
My work is unpredictable as I am freelancer. I am always
running towards the deadlines. Nothing can be worse than having your laptop
with all the training program of the day soaked in the highly unpredictable rains
that lash out on Bangalore anytime. From the days of making fun about weather reports, today I keep checking on Google weather to know whether I can take out my
two-wheeler for the day or not. I don’t have to worry about the phone anymore
since it comes with water-repellent coating and Corning Gorilla Glass protect.
People who know me, even know the ugly truth about me that I
love to talk. Now with the help of new generation of smart phone, I can use my
voice to get things done. Wow! All I have to do is say “OK Google” to ask a
question, send a text, set a reminder, and get directions or whatever I need to
do for the day. I wish people around me were as smart as these smart phones and
listen to me as well.
The design of new Moto E is soft on your eyes. The curved
design is gives you an easy and comfortable grip on the phone, especially when
someone you called for a tiny information doesn’t give that particular
information you need but continues talking about everything else. That is the time when you hold
your phone tightly and realize the soft curved edge helps.
Music is a stress buster and Linkin Park can chase away
stress, especially if the music is streaming from excellent front speakers of
Moto E.
Somehow, I have slipped down from high-end expensive phones
to appreciate the latest budget phones which come with amazing features and cost
you quite less. You will not even see the shopping reflecting in your bank
balance. Look at the latest New Moto-E. Priced below 7000/- on Flipkart, this
amazing smart phone has every feature I would require for my daily personal and
professional use. The legendary phones are climbing up the price ladder every
now and then, making me lose my interest in them.
Check out these amazing feature of New Moto –E
4.5-inch TFT LCD Touchscreen which allows me to
read emergency work related notes
Dual Sim helps me manage the my personal and
professional life on single phone
1.2 GHz Quad Core Processor enough to run most
of the applications, slide shares and games
Wi-Fi Enabled for broadband internet speed
Android v5.0 (Lollipop) OS, the latest operative
system that updates without delay
0.3 MP Secondary Camera for skyping or video
5 MP Primary Camera off course we need that for
special photos
Expandable Storage Capacity of 32 GB which gets
full quite fast nowadays
I cannot convince myself to spend 10 times extra money on a
phone when the budget phone gives me all the practical and necessary use of
phone. I #ChooseToStart making new smart choices of savings with the new Moto E
phone. It is all new sweet and smart experience that comes with using a smart
phone which fits in like a glove to both my professional and personal lifestyle.
Tuesday, March 24, 2015
Being Lazy and Cooking Easy
We all have dual personalities like Dr. Jekyll and Hyde, not
to that extreme though. Don’t you see students who hate studying whole the year
(Hyde) turning suddenly drowning in books (Dr. Jekyll) just prior to exams? An employee
who hates office, showing enthusiasm for work in the beginning of month. A nagging
wife going all romantic when she carries a shopping list in her hand. The examples
would be unending.
I tend to the Hyde part of me when I have to cook breakfast,
only to turn into Dr. Jekyll when I am preparing dinner for my family. I love to
start my days by playing games, catching up with facebook posts (which I can’t
do anymore), checking out my plans for the day, getting ready for work and
reading news rather than spending my time in kitchen cooking food. In the
evening when I am done with most of my work, I love to spend time whipping out
a grand feast for my family (especially my two children who love any food I prepare
for them).
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Happy with Mom's food |
I know how unhealthy it is for people to follow a pattern of
eating no breakfast, medium lunch and heavy dinner. Being a loving mom, I see
to it that my children get good breakfast, good lunch and good dinner without compromising
on my own lifestyle. I often keep things ready to fix a quick breakfast before
hitting the bed. That makes preparation of breakfast easy for me in the
morning. I never run out of eggs, fruits, milk, bread and Kellogg at home. I usually
cook something along with the dinner that can be had for lunch the next day as
well, because there are times when I am working away from home, and cannot be
there to cook lunch.
Rayyan loves Kellogg whereas Farheena loves eggs for
breakfast. When I have to pack lunch for Farheena, I do get up very early in
the morning and cook a good lunch for her which leaves me free in the afternoon.
By hook or crook, I get the best of both worlds. Somehow both my children gain
weight differently. Farheena, who doesn’t love chocolates, ice-creams or cakes
is heavy whereas I don’t understand why all those weight gaining food doesn’t affect
Rayyan. But they both have good immunity and seldom fall sick. They are strong
and healthy. That assures me they are getting proper nourishment.
If you ask me why I would go Gupta’s home for a breakfast, I
would say simply because I am lazy to cook my own breakfast. Any easy way out
is always welcome for me, and off course there is the mouthwatering temptation
of innovative recipes which I would love to taste. I do love any food that is
easy to cook, healthy and tasty as well. I know it is too much to ask for, but
Kellogg makes sure that it is not impossible.Saturday, March 14, 2015
Tuesday, March 10, 2015
Behind Every Successful Mother Is A Supportive Child
Giving Yourself A Second Chance
Some of my best memories from childhood are from my primary
school. My teachers were loving and affectionate towards me, though I was a bit
of rebellious and naughty girl. I think I made up for that part by being
extremely studious, up to date with my work and also the teacher’s chamcha. I always
wanted to study and become a professional, which was a scary thought for my
mom, who never stepped in school. She always worried about me losing my head by
reading too much. I was seldom seen without a book in my hand, which was not appreciated
by my mother.
Wednesday, February 25, 2015
Monday, February 16, 2015
Head Over Heels
All Images are © SpikyEye & Animator Rayyan
#MyAsusZenFone |
Thursday, February 12, 2015
Wednesday, February 11, 2015
Dad - A Tough Role To Play
It is much easier to become a father than to be one.
Kent Nerburn
Fatherhood is not a relationship that comes naturally as
motherhood. I know you are already disagreeing with me and getting ready to
argue. I feel that way because in most of the animal kingdom, including our own
so called ancestors – I do not see any special bond between the father and
child. It is the mother who nurtures the baby and makes them to be independent.
Tuesday, February 10, 2015
The Rise of the Planet of Apps
The Rise Of The Planet Of Apes Apps
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The Planet of Apps |
Saturday, February 7, 2015
The Old and The New
Asus Zenfone 5 – Sleek and Economical
All Images are © SpikyEye & Animator Rayyan
For me, it is difficult to let go of old gadgets and opt for a new one,especially when it comes to phones.
I love new gadgets, but letting go of the old ones is tough. At present I don’t think I have any right to criticize any mobile phone, considering I am happily using my HTC wildfire which is about to go into coma anytime. Most of the functions of my old phone have stopped working, but it allows me to make my calls. Hence I am holding on to it.
I love new gadgets, but letting go of the old ones is tough. At present I don’t think I have any right to criticize any mobile phone, considering I am happily using my HTC wildfire which is about to go into coma anytime. Most of the functions of my old phone have stopped working, but it allows me to make my calls. Hence I am holding on to it.
Sunday, February 1, 2015
Entertainment , Entertainment and Entertainment All The Way
The picture says it all..........................................
I have always taken pride in being on time everywhere so
far. Lately, it has almost become impossible for me to anywhere on time (give
and take 10 minutes). Bangalore traffic has become so unpredictable that either
I am quite early or late. It was no different Friday evening. I am not sure,
but the roads seemed to be crazily packed as though there was an exodus moving
on the streets of Bangalore. My plan of attending an important meeting before
registering to meet had to be dropped down half way, yet we couldn’t get to the
event before 6.15 p.m.
Saturday, January 31, 2015
Pimples – The Tiny Troubles Of Our Lives
I haven’t dealt with pimples or acnes in my life. It is funny when I think of it - life is
rough but skin isn’t. It was not until
Rayyan entered standard 10th did I come face to face with pimples,
literally. Initially, there were tiny buds on his forehead and cheek. They would
come up and go away on their own. Neither was Rayyan bothered by them, nor did I
give it a second thought. After all, only the burnt child dreads the fire.
Watch closely and you will see budding pimples on his skin |
It could be the stress of being in 10th, or just
the age factor, either way; soon the pimples were running amok on Rayyan’s
smooth face which was not smooth anymore. We went for all the anti-pimples
cream, natural remedies and even a prescription from a dermatologist; unfortunately
the pimples continued their assault on his face. Though they say every mother
finds her baby beautiful, I recall not wanting to look at him even when he was
talking to me.
Wednesday, January 28, 2015
Making A Bold Statement - Tata Bolt
Note: All GIFs are © Spikyeye @animatorrayan
As I drove to Manyata Tech Park for a unique blogging event
organized jointly by Blogadda and Tata Motors, I wondered whether I should buy
a car at all. The traffic was quite heavy and I was driving from the southern
end of Bangalore to the Northern end which made me wonder whether I should add
one more car to the chaos on road. But, one look at the sleek red and black beauty, I changed
my mind. I knew I wanted to buy not just a car, but I wanted to buy this very
charming beauty and beast - combined in one car.
Tuesday, January 20, 2015
Reflecting My Heart…
Nothing can match the lovely experience of parenting your
child. When a woman is pregnant, everyone around wonders who will the baby look
like. Will the traits the parents and family treasures to have in themselves be
popping up through this baby? Once born the baby is said to have papa’s eyes,
mama’s lips, aunt’s dimpled grin and grandma’s hair to lovingly showoff how
they are all connected in making of this lovely being. But, as this lovely baby hits teenage, no one
wants to be responsible for the traits anymore.
Tuesday, January 13, 2015
The Secret of My Energy
All Indians know the secret of Sachin’s energy through the famous Ad which had children, even those who did not love milk, gulping it down in a jiffy.
When I came across the video
#KhudKoKarBuland I wondered why no one is interested in knowing the secret of amazing strength,
patience and selflessness that comes with special parenting. Does it not require some superpower to give a dignified and happy life to a child who enters your life with a challenge? Not
many are interested in knowing the secret of my energy because, I haven't scored
runs or brought in medals for everyone to sit up and notice me. What I have
done is just hold on to hope and pursue my own goal with deadly perseverance.
“What great goal was that?” you may ask. Let me share it with you.
Thursday, January 1, 2015
Losing a Mom is tough on any day...

I am talking about 2006. I was planning to begin the New
Year with hope and smile, because, we finally had glimpse of success at the end
of the year. Two year ago my Mom who was
diagnosed with BC had agreed to undergo surgery but no radiation and chemo.
Radiation was a bit OK with her but she said a BIG NO to chemotherapy. Unfortunately her wrong
decision did not bring out any positive results.
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