
Sunday, July 10, 2011

The Dawn

Morning is a miracle which wipes out darkness and colors the world to makes it shine. Ever since my childhood, I have enjoyed watching the darkness slowly giving way to light. When I am into bad times, I know it is a passing phase and dawn is waiting around the corner…Early morning, filled with cool fresh air and sound of chirping birds is one of the most beautiful creations of God. If you have been missing it, wake up early tomorrow morning and just watch the sunrise…

I am sharing with you a poem written by me when I was in high school.


Lady Morn’ decided to wake up

From east dawn opened the gate

All the stars vanished from the blue cup

Fearing that, they would be late.

Darkness was wiped off world’s face

As dawn flooded in light

She walked now at a hurried pace

To make everything look new and bright

On leaves and flowers shine

Pretty lovely droplets of dew

Landed from sky; yet so fine

Not broken, nor they have any bruise

From trees songs we can hear

Songs of birds leaving their beds

The time for the arrival of Sun had come near

He showed his face blushed red

On the clouds the Sun poured

Golden water with care and love

With golden hue now covered

Happily the clouds welcomed him above

In sunlight smiled the earth

Flowers, trees, hills and also sand

It was as though dawn had given birth

To a new lovely fairyland.

By: Farida Rizwan.


  1. woww I really loved the images you painted with your words ... beautiful write :)

  2. aw, truly wonderful, farila!
    i love the evoking, vivid mental images you created in this piece.

    you really have a way with words.

    I adore your fairyland!

    thanks for sharing it.

    betty xx

  3. Beautiful images, you have a gift.


  4. I`m smiling and breathing....

  5. And thank you for dollow my blog :) big hug from me :)

  6. This poem is no less than a ray of sunshine either! Very beautiful composition and the pic is absolutely amazing!

  7. Amazing creation, Love the phrase 'blue cup' and the way you say dawn brings the new fairyland, full pf opportunities and life...

  8. true...dawn is beautiful...lovely poem..


  9. Coming from a high school girl, that is lovely! Glad that you have retained your love of nature and sunrise till date.

  10. lovely thought so beautifully penned and that too at such a tender age!

  11. Poem with positivity & clear message.


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