
Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Paid in Full (With High Interest)

Back in my naughty childhood days, when I would be a nasty child driving my Mom crazy, disobeying her or acting weird, my family would tell me, “You have to respect and obey your Mom, the heaven lies under her feet. Even if you carry her on your shoulders for a decade, you cannot repay her for carrying you in her womb for a day…………………………. Blah!” The end point of all the blahing was that a child can never repay a mother. I know I couldn’t, but I think my daughter has paid me back for being her Mom in full and with high interest added to the premium.
The people who live above our home have a 1 year old baby. A few days ago the baby was crying out loud and it sounded as though it was saying “Allah, allah allah”. Farheena who was busy with her painting heard the baby cry and asked me, “Does the baby have no Maa?”  I said, “Why are you saying that? He has his mom and all the family with him”.  Farheena in all her innocence asked me,” If he has a Maa, why is calling Allah, why does he need him?” In a simple way, with that one sentence she paid me back for whatever I have ever done to her. All of a sudden, carrying her, washing her clothes, teaching her life skills and loving her looked so small in front of the high pedestal she placed a Maa. It touched my heart and I could feel the tears streaming down my cheeks. Those words were not picked up from Holy Scriptures, great books or hearsay; but it was her acceptance of the fact that Maa will take care of everything for a child. It was a compliment she unknowing gave to my parenting. Today I know, those stupid people who say a child can never repay a mother are all wrong, because as a mother, I have been paid in full. 


  1. Am back on Indiblogger after what seems like ages.... Farida - this post was very touching. Farheena is a lovely child. God Bless.

    1. Thank you Sushma for your amazing support all through my blogging days. You inspire me to write more!

  2. YES - THAT is all the repayment any mother needs.

    1. Thanks! I can say it is the best positive stroke for a mother.

  3. Children ask the most intriguing questions. You are a blessed mother.

  4. You are a truly blessed mother for having heard those words from your own child! You may not have told her this in so many words, but I'm sure Farheena has learnt this from you, even though you may not realize it!

    I’m participating in the April A to Z Challenge. My theme is ‘26 Positive Takes on Life’. My scheduled post for April 15 is Matrudevo bhava (Mother is God). May I add a link to this post in my April 15 post?

    1. Thank you for those encouraging words. I am very sure that my children have come with certain knowledge which I did not possess. They have taught me many life lessons. I am sure you can add any link from my blog. That is an honor for me.

  5. I had a really good time reading this article..


  6. Awesome post, thanks for sharing this post..

  7. So beautiful, and touching! Just as my children are heading into those awkward teenage years, I am reminded of all the tenderness and beauty they have offered me,and will continue to offer me - through your words here today.
    (I was sent here by Proactive Indian on Wordpress)

    1. Children are blessing in our life - our own and those who connect with our heart as well.

  8. Nagesh Kini Indeed touching. Only a child can put it across so succinctly!

    1. Somehow, I forget that Farheena is an adult now... she is so childlike and may be will remain so forever.

  9. Farida, you are blessed. Just as you deserve to be. Hugs!

    1. Thank you Vidya. I am not sure about deserving part. My children are more than what I deserve to have. Hope I do not let the faith of God in me down.

  10. Dont know about others but I nevr felt that parents need to be paid in any form...then they have no right to be called parents...they are just two people who have done some work for someone...

    1. No one feels it personally, neither do I believe that parents generally expect to be paid back. It is the scriptures that say we are always going to be indebted to our parents for giving us our lives and taking care of us. I am very sure that I never expected to be paid back by my children. That would never allow me to love them unconditionally as I do now!

  11. So touched by this post. Thank you :) Both you and your daughter are blessed, really.

    Beauty Interprets, Expresses, Manifests the Eternal

  12. Very touching article indeed. Beautiful :)


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