As You Sow, So Shall You Reap
A funny incident that happened a few years ago worked as a
great eye opener for me. It was during Rayyan’s course in Arena Animation. We
had issues with fees payment of Rayyan with a bit of confusion thrown in for
spice. Finally, the issue was sorted out and a slip given which finalized what
we had to pay.
I placed the slip very safely so that there will be no more
confusion for us. But all of a sudden I realized that for the sake of heaven or
hell, I could not recall where I had kept it. This does not happen to me. I am
a person who can recall where I have kept things even after years. I turned
almost everything upside down, yet for some cruel reason there was no sign of
the slip. It got me worried. When Rayyan misplaces things or accidentally
breaks something, I usually do not shout, scold or blame him. I saw the same behaviour
in Rayyan. He was calm and searching for the slip along with me.
Later in the day, I and Rayyan were discussing the new
‘Batman’ movie and I could not remember the name of the actor who was playing
the role of batman. I could not recall the name of Ben Affleck who was going to
be the new batman. I loved Ben Affleck but did not want him to be the batman
yet I could not recall his name. Eewww, that kind of scared me. As a part of my
M.S. in Counseling and Psychotherapy, I had read a lot about dementia and
Alzheimer’s disease. When you read psychology, you always end up relating
yourself or people you know with one or other disorder. So I was wondering
whether this was an indication that I was losing my memory. Rayyan found this
very funny and started to tease me, which he loves to do all the time. I don’t
blame him for this, as I myself never let an opportunity to pull his leg slip
by me. Actually Rayyan has such an amazing way of teasing people that instead
of feeling hurt, we enjoy it quite a lot. My sister Sabina, often looks forward
to it very eagerly and Rayyan always teases her whenever they are together. She
really wanted to document their time together and make a series on youtube
about them.
We were having a mini funny fight when Farheena walked in
home from her school. The young lady asked, “What’s going on?” Rayyan became
serious and explained, “Maa has lost her memory. She cannot recall anything and
is totally forgetful now. I don’t know what do to?” Farheena, totally calm and
composed reassured him, “Don’t worry. Now that I am here, I will take care of
everything”. It was very amazing to see her being so sure of herself. I decided
to play along and shot her a questioning look. She pointed at the TV and asked
what it is, I said I don’t know. She explained it is TV. The same procedure was
repeated for the computer, table, phone, Rayyan, herself and me. “You are maa,
we are your poos”. It was funny when she introduced Rayyan to me and said “This
is your poo”. Don’t get her wrong there, poo means child in her language. I
purposely kept making mistakes. She never scolded me, nor did she lose her
patience. She went on training me in remembering the names of people and things
around me. She was behaving exactly like Rayyan when he is teaching her
something. Finally, I decided it was enough and stopped the game and said,
“Ahah! Now I can recall everything”. She turned towards Rayyan and said
confidently, “There, the problem is solved”.
We had a good laugh over this incident at first, but later,
when I went back over the incident in my mind; a great truth struck me and I
realized that we reap what we sow, especially when it comes to our children. I
never stop blowing my own trumpet shamelessly when it comes to my children or
me being an amazing mom. I am not sure how many people around me have been
tired of listening to my happy mom tales, but they keep their mouth shut and as
a result, I don’t shut my mouth. You can believe this now easily because I am
already on the 63rd episode of #100RaysOfSon. Some rubbish off my
happy mom tales as a honky dory unbelievable made up stories; because for most
people, a healthy relationship without stress with their children is not
something they can even imagine.
With help from Rayyan I have shown extreme patience in
training Farheena in her life skills. At times it would take us years to teach her
a single activity or word. We both took one step at a time to travel miles. We,
especially Rayyan, used to repeat instructions to her, until finally she could
do it. I had done the same with Rayyan when he had trouble with languages. She
showed the same courtesy to me. Though we were playing a game, Farheena did not
know that. That is the innocence that comes naturally to her with her special
needs. It also made me realize in case I end up losing my memory, how she is
going to take care of me.
The train of thought went chugging along and I could see my
parenting reflecting in my children’s behaviour. They are not like me, but I
know they are like my parenting. Farheena has a doll named Annie. She is
treated with respect, love and care in my home. She is never left out of any
activity. Annie gets the same upbringing that I have given Farheena. All of
Rayyan’s toys are treated the same way as well.
Rayyan was a curious kid who used to discuss things around
him with me, and ask a lot of questions. I used to drop whatever I was doing to
share some time with him when he wanted to discuss something. I never told him
that his ideas were impossible, weird or rubbish. We always had healthy
discussion which finally has made me a better person today. Rayyan shows the
same courtesy and patience towards his cousins, who are much younger to him. He
patiently teaches them computer games, using apps or drawing. He is very
patient in answering their questions. If anyway has something to be sorted out,
they usually seek Rayyan’s help because he patience to explain things to them.
His interaction with children is very similar to the way I interact with him.
In fact, my sister says he is the best caretaker of children she has ever met,
and most of the people agree with her.
Rayyan has been solely responsible for Farheena’s computer
skill. When she said, she wanted to use computer, he never said it was not
possible for her. He patiently kept showing her keyboard keys and how to use
them. His patience in teaching her how to use computer and facebook is beyond
my reach.
I cannot say that I never use foul words. But, I have made
sure that I never use them with or in front of my children. I have been very
strict with the use of language and expression, though it meant biting my
tongue quite hard at times. The result is, I don’t see the use of **&%$
words in their vocabulary list.
They are very kind and loving towards animals, even those
that end up harming us eventually. They have no violence, anger or cruelty in
their heart towards any living creature. They do not discriminate anyone based
on their status or appearance.
I feel God has immense love for me to trust me with his two
best creations. I don’t worry about my children lying to me, neither do I worry
that they keep some secrets. They do not argue but they do discuss things in a
healthy way. They know when Mom is right, and so do I know when I am wrong and
they are right. We accept our mistakes gracefully and move on.
The list would grow on. As I said earlier, I love blowing my
own trumpet when it comes to being a mom. But finally it all just reminded me
of what I had heard in my moral science class nearly 4 decades ago. As you sow,
so shall you reap! True. I have sown well and I love the harvest. Parenting is
tough, but if we dedicate ourselves to bringing up our children well, the
result is going to be worth much more than our efforts. My result is Rayyan and
Farheena, though I do not take all the credit for who they are, because there
is something different about them as well in a positive way. I clearly remember
that I felt a kind of respect for Rayyan when I held in my arms for the first
time as a baby though logically I cannot believe it. I am not sure whether it
is their goodness that made me a good mom or it is my parenting that worked the

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